TITLE: ForTheLose.org’s Giveaway Extravaganza!
First Place Winner
1 Year of Free Web Hosting From WPWebHost.com

$50 Towards a Game of Your Choice at SteamPowered.com (or in cash)

Second Place Winner
1 Year of Free Web Hosting From WPWebHost.com

1 Year Free Subscription to ElegantThemes.com

Third Place Winner
1 Year of Free Web Hosting From WPWebHost.com

DEADLINE: 23 April 09
WEBSITE/URL: http://forthelose.org/fortheloseorg-giveaway-extravaganza
METHOD: See Description
How to Enter
Gaining entries to this giveaway is very simple. Each method will reward you with a different amount of entries but you can only use each method once. I will be doing IP checks, so no funny business.
Method #1 (Required) | +1 Entry
Subscribe to the ForTheLose.org RSS feed via email. The only way for me to track all of people that enter this giveaway is by email address, so make sure if you're already tracking our RSS feed that it's by email!
It only takes a minute and don't worry, I hate spam and all that crap too. Also worth noting is that if you subscribe via email, you'll automatically be entered in any and all future ForTheLose.org giveaways. Just fill out the following form with your email address.
Method #2 | +10 Entries
Want a massive 10 entries into this contest? Simply blog about this giveaway on your site. The blog post must outline all of the prizes, be over 200 words, and must have a trackback to this post. (The trackback is necessary so I can see when you make your post.)
Please note, you can only do this once on a single site, but if you own more than one blog and make a post on each of them, they all count as a separate +10 entries. So if you make a post about this giveaway on three of your sites, you have a massive 30 extra entries!
As a way of preventing people from gaining entries from posting on their dead/new blogs, I am requiring that the blog you post on have either at least 60 posts or a Pagerank of at least 1. I'll allow some wiggle room of course, but the final decision on whether the blog post is worthy enough will be up to me.
Method #3 | +3 Entries
Twitter users, time to get your tweet on! For an extra 3 entries (you must have about 50 followers or more), follow me on Twitter and tweet the following message:
Just entered the ForTheLose.org big giveaway from @FTLRalph - Read about it and enter here - http://bit.ly/16tZ7
That's all you have to do.
Method #4 | +2 Entries
Probably the easiest way to gain entries. Just leave a comment on this post. Simple, no? Well, just make sure you don't leave a one-word crappy one. Tell me a joke or something. Note - If you comment more than once, I'll only count one of them as an entry. The others will be omitted.
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