TITLE: Raging Tech Twitter Contest - WIN $20 USD PayPal
PRIZE: 1st prize: $20 USD paid via PayPal, 2nd Prize: Mystery Prize!?!? for most creative Tweet.
DEADLINE: 30 April 09
WEBSITE/URL: http://blog.ragingtech.com/2009/03/27/raging-tech-twitter-contest-win-20-usd-paypal/
METHOD: Follow on twitter + Blog post + Comment
1. Follow @ragingtech and Tweet about this contest on Twitter and link to this blog post directly. Here’s some example text if you need it:
“RT @ragingtech Enter to win $20 USD PayPal “Just for the heck of it” Contest, Retweet to win! http://tinyurl.com/cjeg6b #ragingwin”
- but you probably will not have much of a chance for winning the 2nd Prize for most creative Tweet if you only copy my text. Be sure to include @ragingtech and the #ragingwin if you want your submission to count.
2. Comment on this post, and be sure to fill out the form with a link to your blog and a working e-mail address if you want me to be able to notify you when you win.
3. Blog about this contest - Post a 100 word or more blog post about this contest, and be sure your blog has trackback or pingback enabled, or leave a comment below with the direct URL to your post.
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