TITLE: Win $50 and a T-Shirt in our ‘The Economy Sucks’ Contest!
PRIZE: $50 dollars
DEADLINE: 31 March 09
WEBSITE/URL: http://www.chewingglasstees.com/2009/03/06/win-50-and-a-t-shirt-in-our-the-economy-sucks-contest/
METHOD: Refer below
We’re going to give you 2 simple ways to enter.
- Check out our friend’s t-shirt design site - Teextile - and register as a user. You don’t have to buy anything (though you can - they have some fantastic prints!). Just go over there, create a user name and register. Registering allows you to vote on which design gets printed next and even submit a t-shirt design if you want. It also gets you free shipping if you do buy a t-shirt. Anyways - just register. That’s it. That’s 1 entry into our little contest here.
- Write a short blog post about our contest. The post can be as long or as short as you want. Include two links - one to the homepage here at ChewingGlass Tees using the anchor text ‘Funny T-Shirts’ and one to the contest post here with any old anchor text you want. This counts as 2 more entry points.
That’s it. That’s all you have to do. So you can earn up to 3 contest entries. Oh yeah, and leave a comment here on this post letting me know your username from Teextile and the address of the post. At the end of this month (March) I’ll total up all the entries and draw one lucky winner to win the $50 dollars cash money and the t-shirt. Now, get to cracking.
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