TITLE: JhonChow N XRCOM- Charity Contest
DEADLINE: 24 December 2008
WEBSITE/URL: http://www.johnchow.com/6000-contest-from-john-chow-and-xrcom/
METHOD: Blog + Review about XR.com
Again John has organize a great contest. This time involved $6000 cash where $5000 will go to any charities you want and the remaining youcan spend up however you wish.
First of all, as far as my concern in my previous post about children in payatas who live in dump site area, I would love to donate the money to them if I win the contest. The call from who needs really touch my heart and I hope JohnChow will realise my dream :)
The $1000 obviously I would save for my first child (Which expecting in this January), for her/his future education to make her/his daddy proud :D~ and maybe he/she will become one of the person who cares for others people too
Prize is sponsored by XR.com, a place where you can make your long url to tiny url.

Start use XR.com now and protect all your link with the shortest tinyurl ever.
Click here to sign up for XR.com
got u from john chow..
seems u got pretty new stuffs..
grab a free .com domain n free space here
rush soon!!
if u find it worthy give me a link in ur site..
Hi! Are you interested in getting a banner/ header/ logo/ template/ business cards/ mascot designs / directory or article submissions, for your site for no money, in return we require text links from your site http://peraduanku.blogspot.com. Approaching you through this form since I could not find out the email address. Please get back to me if you are interested. This is a special “Christmaz Offer” from us.
Name: Joe Nathan
Email: joenathanls@gmail.com
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