TITLE: Win $100 Cash in TechXav’s First Giveaway
1st Prize: US$50
2nd Prize: US$30
3rd Prize: US$20
DEADLINE: 14 March 09
WEBSITE/URL: http://techxav.com/2009/02/13/win-100-cash-in-techxavs-first-giveaway/
How To Participate?
- Subscribe to My Blog’s RSS Feeds Via Email
Just subscribe to my free daily email updates on the right and this will give you 10 tickets.
- Write a short description of this giveaway in your blog (optional)
I know some of you might not like this, hence I’ll put it as an optional. Simply post a short article about the prizes and link back to TechXav.com. Besides that, inserting a link anywhere on your blog, be it on the sidebar, header, etc. is also possible. By doing either one of these, you’ll receive 10 tickets.
- Answer a short quiz (optional)
1. When was TechXav.com officially launched? (Hint: A date from Feb 5 onwards)
2. Do I have more followers than what I’m following? Yes or No?
3. The name of the co-editor of TechXav.com
If you answer at least 2 out of 3 of this questions, you’ll get 5 tickets.
What to Do Next?
Send me an email at XavierLur@gmail.com and I’ll confirm your participation by replying to you. Do note that this giveaway will lasts for 1 month and ends on March 14 2009. Winners will be announced on this blog and they will be selected via Random.org.
More tickets means more chances of winning!
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