TITLE: Win $300 Cash Prize By Writing IlchiLee.Net
PRIZE: $300 via paypal
DEADLINE: 12 December 08
WEBSITE/URL: http://www.ilchilee.net/2008/11/22/win-300-cash-prize-by-writing-ilchileenet-review/
METHOD: Blog review
DESCRIPTION: Refer website

I am inspired when I read about Ilchi Lee when I read his blog. How he was spending most time of his life dedicate to explore and develop the potential of human brain. He personally has trained and consulted with top business leaders, such as Ju Yung Chung, founder of Hyundai Corporation and Jong Hyon Chey, founder of SK Corporation. He also has taught his method all around the world like United States, South Korea, China, United Kingdom, Canada, Japan and many more...
As I can say, he is widely known all around the world. So why dont we take this advantage, learn and train ourself to be a great leader.
There are lot of methods been share by Ilchi Lee in his blog. Head yourself to http://www.ilchilee.net/ and learn more how to be successful.. Who knows one day you be the one of the top leader in the world
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