TITLE: TV3 KIDS Movie Magic Contest: Bedtime Stories

DEADLINE: January 2009
WEBSITE/URL: http://www.tv3.com.my/bedtime_stories/index.html
METHOD: Quiz + Slogan
DESCRIPTION: 1. Who is the lead actor in Bedtime Stories?
2. In the movie Bedtime Stories, who does Adam Sandler tells stories to?
3. How many fantasy worlds are told as stories in the movie, Bedtime Stories?
4. Who is Skeeter's best friend in the movie, Bedtime Stories?
5. Which fantasy world below is not depicted in Bedtime Stories?
6. Name the director for Chronicles of Narnia : Prince Caspian.
7. Who is the voice for Penny in Bolt?
8. What is the email address for primary school students to request for TV3 Kids Voice Out School Attack?
Slogan :
TV3 Kids Movie Magic has been fun and enjoyable to all kids throughout the year 2008 because ___________________________________________
(not more than 15 words)
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