Suddenly you bought a wrong web hosting? Unreliable company? High renewal cost? Why not switchhhh to new exabytes program called Exabytes Switchhhh Program
But why?
Exabytes are the webhosting specialist, and they give you the best and everything your webhosting needs.. yup its true

Its so easy.. as easy as 1,2,3...4

Subscribe a new hosting package with exabytes and they will set up the hosting package in 24 hours upon receiving payment.

Migrate all your webfiles, database, re-create existing email accounts in the new hosting server via server IP.

Once done, you may point your domain to the new hosting server. For .com.my domain, if the technical contact is under Exabytes, you may request us to point for you. Please allow 18 to 72 hours of DNS propagation period.

Easy is it? So what are you waiting for??? SWITCHHHHH NOW
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