TITLE: Pro Bio - Xmas Celebration
PRIZE: OSIM & BIO LIFE products/vouchers
DEADLINE: 11 December 2008
WEBSITE/URL: http://www.biolife.com.my/kidwave_topic.php?funcid=view_topic&id=7
METHOD: Attend
Being healthy takes commitment. There is a major positive trend today towards greater personal responsibility and choice in health care. People are taking the initiative to learn more about their health and the different options available for their health conditions.
BiO-LiFE, as a market leader in natural and holistic healthcare, believes in helping people attain healthy, fulfilling lives by preventing and alleviating diseases. BiO-LiFE is committed to providing a comprehensive range of quality & safe products based on scientific evidence that surpass the standards set by the health authorities. BiO-LiFE, as a customer-orientated company, continually seeks to empower people with reliable & accurate information to help them take charge of their health & well-being.

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