Finding a web hosting provider is a quite a tough job I must say, especially when you have a tight budget with you. Recently I've been browse around the internet to really find a good and affordable web hosting provider to fit my budget.
There are few established company that are reliable and famous, but unfortunately that is not what I'm looking for. It took me quite a month actually to really look for the great company that can get my shoes on. Luckily one day I step in IPSERVERONE. Futhermore, it's a Malaysia web hosting company (easy for malaysian like me heh?!)
Although IPSERVERONE can be consider a new company in this web hosting business but I found the services that they offer is very attractive and cheap too! Great and fit in my budget. Moreover I noticed that eventhough they are still new, their clients consider as one of the famous organizations in our country. Nothing can I say rather that I already hook to IPSERVERONE as I see my favourite site lowyat.net use IPSERVERONE web hosting as well!
IPSERVERONE also provides other type of service include reseller hosting, co-location, dedicated server, virtual private server, and even service for domain name. With multiple selection on hosting platforms (Linux, Windows & JAVA), what a nice & flexible solutions for me to make.
Still doubt? All your uncertainty can be asked with Live Chat with one of their support personnel. Thats what I like about IPSERVERONE. Any great product always come with great aftersales service, and so are they!
No credit card? Use your paypal! Its not all. You can even pay with MAYBANK. Fast and easy huh??!!
No doubt IPSERVERONE will be my web hosting provider!!! Come on guys support our malaysia web hosting!
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